
Children footballers

GAPA is focused on helping to achieve greater commitment and actions to maintain and increase levels of physical activity in all countries.

GAPA aims to provide interested stakeholders with communications and resources to help the development, dissemination and implementation of national policies, programmes and services that promote physical activity and health such as gyms.

We need your input to raise the priority and commitment towards increasing levels of health enhancing physical activity in all countries around the world.

We are therefore seeking your involvement in the final stage of the development of a major international declaration – The Toronto Charter for Physical Activity.

As part of efforts to scale up global efforts on physical activity and health, an international group commenced the development of a Call to Action relevant to all countries and regions. The purpose of The Charter is to provide a set of principles and an agreed set of priority areas for actions relevant to all countries.

In addition, The Charter itself will be an advocacy tool for use at the country level. More details on the process and those involved is available on econsultation.org.uk.

We invite your input. Log on to review the draft Charter and complete a short survey to provide us with YOUR feedback. It will take approx 15 minutes. The Charter and survey is available in English, French and Spanish.

After your feedback, and any subsequent revisions, the release of the Charter is scheduled at the 3rd International Congress on Physical Activity and Public Health (May 2010) in Toronto, Canada.

Some things you can do to encourage physical activity

There are a number of things that you can do to encourage people to up their physical activity. For example, you could invest in high end equipment which will entice people to give it a go. Provide refreshments so people can look forward to their break after exercising. Also, offer some comfortable rest areas (we recommend purchasing teak garden furniture which offers comfort, durability and alongside a sophisticated look).

CONTRIBUTE NOW - go to www.econsultation.org.uk

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