Physical activity is central to the global agenda to prevent non communicable disease
The United Nations High-Level Summit on Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) took place in New York on 19-20 September 2011.
An important output of the meeting is the adoption of a political declaration on the prevention of NCDs. This declaration recognises prevention as the "cornerstone" of the global response to NCDs and calls for a whole of society approach.
GAPA will continue its advocacy efforts to ensure that physical activity forms a central component of the global response to NCD prevention. GAPA's new postcard will be an important resource for communicating key messages and encouraging policy makers to act now on physical activity for better health and wellbeing.
The first Global Ministerial Conference on Healthy Lifestyles and Noncommunicable Disease Control was held at the World Trade Centre, Moscow on 28-29 April 2011, and hosted by the Russian Ministry of Health and Social Affairs.
Across two days, with over 95 countries represented by delegations, discussions took place on global trends in NCDs and their risk factors, how NCD prevention and control are central to economic development and poverty alleviation, the challenges, lessons learned and opportunities for multi sectoral action to prevent NCDs, and what are the "best buys" to address NCDs.
A second major meeting was the WHO NCD Forum on NCD Prevention held in conjunction with the Ministerial meeting on Wednesday 27th April 2011. The forum comprised representatives from industry, government, academia and civil society and focussed on the partnerships and actions needed to scale up national and global response. Read more details on the WHO website.